An organism that reflects the expansion of interactions and cultivating kinship through performative acts.


Relationships continuously change concepts of who we are, we become an updated version of ourselves. When we attune to our entourage, humans, non-humans, plants, cyborgs and atoms, we expand ourselves and make a meaningful connection with everything around us.

Taking rhizome as a metaphor for what's bigger than us and we are part of // all the matter //, their nodes as intra-actions and the roots that shoot out as the consequence of it.

Our directory is to use Science-fiction as a tool that guides us through and recode thoughts of what it means to interact with other entities. We aim to be question-driven and dive into a speculative world where our realities are not the centre and focus on making kin with, for now, one technoplant based organism.


The objective of our proposal is to make the agency of materials tangible or visible.

Currently as material, we see potential in transmitting touches through light/shadows that are part of auxetic structures which gives a rigid material a flexible property.

The relationship between all entities has to be defined yet. We want to deal with it. How do we interact with them? How do they interact with us?


When we breathe we make the most everyday connection with our environment. Our bodies exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from our bodies. The oxygen is taken in through the lungs, absorbed into the bloodstream, and distributed throughout the body. The carbon dioxide is released from the bloodstream and exhaled back into the atmosphere. If we take a closer look, however, the mundane turns into probably something of the most intimate and intense that a breathing creature can experience. With every breath we take, we enter into direct dialogue with everything around us and everything that was around us. A filled lung of air contains about 1.25x10²² molecules. If we assume that the breaths of all living creatures that live and have lived are evenly distributed around the globe, then with each time we breath in we take in molecules that have passed through the lungs of all other living creatures that have ever lived. Every breath is a connection to everything that is and has been. When we exhale, we ourselves return information to the world. The composition of our breath consists of gases, volatiles and metabolites whose composition is as unique to each person as a fingerprint. Each breath means complete dissolution in the being of all and absolute individuality at the same time.

Data Exchange//Sharing happens through breath or the absence of it.


Act_1 // Introduction

Static organism in a room

Act_2 // Worldbuilding