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Maschine welche hilft zu atmen



Aerobic Organisms -

I love the how in your experiments so far I really see this very personal intimate relationship and exchange with this invisible atmosphere and all the other creatures that connect to it. Your presentation really made me think of breathing as a dialogue, it’s a relational phenomenon, breath is an embodiment but also a release as well. Your presentation also got me thinking about the lightness/ heaviness of breathing. You talked about this moment in between breaths as being when the ideas come but when we are stressed maybe we find we’re never breathing deeply because we’re so tense or you find you’ve been holding your breath the whole time without realising.

For me this is the contrast of being in your head vs being in your body - breathing is generally something instinctual you do without thinking about it but the moment you start maybe you forget how and start shallow breathing/ hyperventilating - breathing all the time but actually getting not enough oxygen and most importantly not emptying your lungs enough to allow for proper oxygen uptake. So by over thinking the process becomes inhibited. Breathing is happening in all your cells in this chemical exchange not just in your lungs, we even talk about exposure to air for our skin as allowing it to breathe. I’m really interested to see how you make this physical and the materials you work with!

Moment of exchange

Chemical Prozess - space in between

Chemical dialog

Beziehungen zur Atmung von anderen Lebewesen